Introduction Coaching Session (30 Min)
When should I consider a Coaching Session?
If you get a diagnosis that is complicated and requires further patient education.
If you get 'a new normal' diagnosis and want to investigate its spiritual aspect.
If you want someone to help you find clinical trials and research, I'm here for you.
Imagine someone having their annual physical and blood work. About 4 days later, they got a voicemail from the office and were told, "You have diabetes. We made a request for service with our endocrinologist." and there was no patient care follow-up to that information.
After our free 30 minute meeting, we will meet for a formal discussion of your diagnosis, your current plan of care, and your support systems already in place. We will then address your concerns and goals from a spiritual perspective which will compliment your work with other care providers.
Note: As a licensed Registered Nurse, I am not permitted to diagnose people but I can be an advocate for your learning by assisting with mental, emotional and spiritual adjustments. Having your clinical diagnosis and knowing you have a support team is fundamental to success.