There is more going on in the world than what we learned in school, been fed on TV, or heard on a podcast - and even more so than what fits into Newtonian physics. Transpersonal Psychology offers you multiple lenses through which reality is very different. Learning how to remote view or engaging in other transpersonal activities is like adding a spice rack to your kitchen.
These "spices" can do several things to make life easier:
- Learn to like healthier foods
- Find the “good” parking spot
- Find lost items
- Have an extra sense for personal / professional relationships
- Reprogram bad habits
- Revisit / heal traumatic things from your past
- Uncover things that are holding you back
Now, I recognize that some readers may have already started their journey of discovery. Today, you can get opinions from multiple sites and multiple platforms.
My opinion? Whatever journey you are taking, find someone who has “been there, done that”. Someone who wants to teach, empower, and release you back into the world. Guru-free zone here.
No Surprises. No Tease.
FREE 30 min Introductory Coaching Session
First 1:1 Session: $50 hr
Introductory Coaching Session
Before you open your wallet, I want to know if we have synergy.
What I have to offer is unique & it has to meet your needs and expectations.
If we sync, we'll build a plan and have our first real session.
The 1st Coaching Session
Nurses are taught a path for each diagnosis.
However, we assess each person to determine the best focus - no cookie cutters.
We'll cover your background and deeper issue exploration.
If we sync, a plan and a cost will be established.
If we don't, we part amicably.
I refuse to front load the initial visit cost like some providers do.
Subsequent sessions will be tailored to you and
the visit cost will be negotiated ahead of time.
No surprises. No tease.
Virtual and Group class sessions are also available.
Introduction Coaching Session (30 Min)
When should I consider a Coaching Session?
If you get a diagnosis that is complicated and requires further patient education.
If you get 'a new normal' diagnosis and want to investigate its spiritual aspect.
If you want someone to help you find clinical trials and research, I'm here for you.
Imagine someone having their annual physical and blood work. About 4 days later, they got a voicemail from the office and were told, "You have diabetes. We made a request for service with our endocrinologist." and there was no patient care follow-up to that information.
After our free 30 minute meeting, we will meet for a formal discussion of your diagnosis, your current plan of care, and your support systems already in place. We will then address your concerns and goals from a spiritual perspective which will compliment your work with other care providers.
Note: As a licensed Registered Nurse, I am not permitted to diagnose people but I can be an advocate for your learning by assisting with mental, emotional and spiritual adjustments. Having your clinical diagnosis and knowing you have a support team is fundamental to success.
End of Life Coaching
It's the surprise party we all have in store! While we're here, we forget where we really come from so going back home can be a surprise. We are like actors who become so committed to our role that we forget who we really are.
This thought is derived from not just my own NDE, but from several hundred other's NDEs, the impressions of several psychics and researchers, and the writings of indigenous peoples.
After our free 30 minute meeting, we will meet for a formal discussion of your diagnosis, your current plan of care, and your support systems already in place. We will then address your concerns and goals from a spiritual perspective which will compliment your work with other care providers.
Note: My influences here are my former Plenary Guardianship license in the state of Florida, my time spent as a cancer nurse where I was cross-trained in hospice care, and my conversations with the deceased since I was 9 years old.
Transdimensional Coaching
Many times an event that results in trauma is an opportunity for self reflection. Sometimes, self exploration follows. In that self exploration, a person will discover / re-discover, or seek out a transpersonal experience.
Transpersonal issues, while not inclusive, includes:
- the Near Death Experience (NDE)
- the Shared Near Death Experience (sNDE)
- the Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE)
- Other Out of Body Experience (OBE) (e.g. remote viewing, astral projection, psychedelics)
- Paranormal Experience
- Past Life Experience
This list represents the issues I have both experienced and have researched for a decade or longer. I can point you to helpful books and materials or I can have a safe space for up to discuss the experience.
After our free 30 minute meeting, we will meet for a formal discussion of your experience, your current plan of care, and your support systems already in place. We will then address your concerns and goals from a spiritual perspective which will compliment your work with other care providers.
Note: If you look for mental health providers who mention "transpersonal psychology", they will have had formal scholastic training in these issues. I was certified by ACISTE to be a Peer Spiritual Guidance Counselor that focused on people who had a NDE or STE. Also, I have had direct interaction with the aforementioned issues.
Price is per class.
Introduction to Remote Viewing
These classes are tailored to the skill set and desire of the person. That said, we do cover the essentials so that those who practice remote viewing have a common jargon. The typical framework includes:
- The difference between Astral Projection and Remote Viewing (RV)
- Examples of RV in history
- RV and scientific theories - tapping into collective consciousness, quantum entanglement
- RV Training / US History: SRI, Rhine, Projects Stargate & Grill Flame
- RV Dudes: Russell Targ, Joe McMoneagle, Uri Geller, Ingo Swan, Ed Dames, Pat Price
- Discussion on good process and boundaries (Be with apologies to Ram Dass
- Assignment #1 - I will hide a dog toy and you will find it.
Note: I have been remotely viewing things since I was 14 but I did not differentiate between RV and astral projection. It wasn't until 2013 when I took a class from Joe Mcmoneagle that there was a difference in protocol, application and process.
Price per class: $50
Introduction to Astral Projection
These classes are tailored to the skill set and desire of the person. That said, we do cover the essentials so that those who practice remote viewing have a common jargon. The typical framework includes:
- The difference between Astral Projection (AP) and Remote Viewing (RV)
- Examples of AV in history and the Bible
- AV and scientific theories - tapping into collective consciousness, quantum entanglement
- Discussion on good process and objectivity
Note: I have been remotely viewing things since I was 14 but I did not differentiate between RV and astral projection. If you are seeking validation and proof, I encourage RV. If you are seeking a subjective experience that is more organic, I recommend AV.
Price per class: $50
An In Depth Look
When patients report improvement, and they can physically demonstrate said improvement, AND Medicare / Medicade will pay for it - the BS meter is at near zero for me. Let's face it, it's not woo-woo any more if it's reimbursable.
Let's face it, it's not woo-woo if it's reimbursable. I want to continue this trend of normalizing transpersonal psychology topics into our collaborative reality.
Context matters too.
- You're thinking hard about someone and then they call or text you.
- A mother or a twin is doing their thing when they are suddenly compelled to reach out to their child. or sibling and discover they are in some kind of crisis.
- Your gut tells you to change your regular drive home and you avoid a crash.
- A family member passes and, a few days later, they are chatting you up in a dream.
These are just a few every day examples of transpersonal psychology happening in our lives. Yes, I was shocked by seeing the relief I provided by scratching the foot of a patient that had been amputated 3 days earlier. But, eventually, my curiosity won out. I wanted to know more - from actually getting involved and not just reading about it. Honestly, I wanted both - the experiential learning and the pedagogy. Those who teach learn twice. Conversely, what I didn’t want was to rely on popular opinion or what society said. I don’t like people thinking for me.
Here’s how I rationalized remote viewing. If it wasn’t real, why did the military and the three letter agencies fund the research for more than thirty years? If you want to know, look up Project Grill Flame or Project Stargate. Heck, go to the CIA website and read the declassified documents! Look up the terms 'FBI investigation' and 'psychic'. Multiple three letter agencies have been using psychics for 60+ years. And they still do.
A thing can exist even though it makes you uncomfortable - like 3 cylinder engines, squid flavored potato chips and hog head cheese.
Learning how to be out of body has a lot of benefits. A popular one in my discussion groups is going to your job interview before it actually occurs. You can see how it goes. You can also look around the hiring manager’s office to see their interests they don’t advertise on social media.
It’s interesting to remote view relationships too - personal or professional. View the relationship a month or a year from now. Seeing what the strengths and weaknesses are much earlier in the relationship can be quite helpful. You can either course correct or redirect. (Oh, you like K Pop? Check please.)
Once you get comfortable with being out of body… once you come to terms that your body and your consciousness are connected but are different, the world becomes a much more interesting place. Like a zipper, you can separate and reconnect at will. And like wearing your favorite team's jersey, you will be recognized by others who are in the know.
This is not smoke and sunshine. After almost five decades of research and direct field experimentation, I have gathered a large body of knowledge.
One perk of remote viewing?
No TSA lines.
Here's a real life example. Imagine losing an item. You look in the obvious places and haven't found it. So, you sit down, close your eyes and imagine that you are that object. Then, you look around from that vantage point and discover where you are.
One February morning while living in New Jersey, I went to get my passport and discovered it was misplaced. I looked in my suitcase, the car, and my desk but it was nowhere to be found. My five senses were not helping me so I used my sixth sense. I imagined I was my passport.
I was someplace dark, cold, quiet. I asked for more information and was shown a pair of gloves that a fashion model from the 1920’s would have worn. I also felt that I was in a crowded elevator. I went back to the previously searched car, back to the glove compartment but this time I took everything out. Squished in among the manuals, receipts, menus, flyers and such was my passport.
I was not born knowing how to remote view objects. I learned it. And I’d like to teach you! And, frankly, I’d like to teach you all of it because it makes life much more interesting. Easier in some ways and more challenging in others. But, it’s damn interesting. Plus, if you follow Elon Musk, have seen interviews with Robert Bigalow, or watch any show about aliens, you know that they all speak to the fact that humans need to start flexing their ESP if they want to participate in the next step in human development.
The example above is remote viewing. It is part of a larger paradigm called an out of body experience (OBE). I was able to bring knowledge into my awareness without the use of my five senses. More commonly, it has been called astral projection, gut instinct, intuition, gut feeling, or your personal spidey sense. Dude and dudettes, this is ESP.
OBEs come in all shapes and sizes - astral projection, lucid dreaming, remote viewing, satori, meditation, fasting, prayer, orgasm, near death experiences, and mother nature’s medicine cabinet. Most of these, I have tried and validated. And some were more fun than others.
It’s fun because, in college, I would mess with my friends by remote viewing their homes in other states and then describing it to them the next day. They rationalized it as a magic trick or info from a roommate. In reality, I was practicing and getting better at it.
A couple years ago, and very out of practice, I shocked another friend by viewing what he had on his coffee table - which happened to be in France. Good news? I got it. Bad news? I scared him pretty good.
I have remote viewed haunted houses too. I've had conversations with the spiritual occupants the day before actually going there physically. The improved frequency and clarity of the EVPs was noted by other team members. Later, I would later learn it was easier to “cross them over” once I had interacted with them.
I could go on and on. Hell, I've been doing it since I was 14 so I have lots of stories. Let's create your own.
If you’re ready to learn remote viewing, hit that Contact button. Or, if you want some background on remote viewing, read on.
1:1 Classes start at $50 / hr. Virtual and Group sessions are also available.
Remote Viewing
- What is the difference between Astral Projection and Remote Viewing (RV)?
- Examples of RV and Religious text references (Solomon, David)
- Examples of RV in history (Richard I, Walt Whitman, Norman Schwarzkopf)
- RV and scientific theories - tapping into collective consciousness, quantum entanglement
- RV Training / US History: SRI, Rhine, Projects Stargate & Grill Flame
- RV Dudes: Russell Targ, Joe McMoneagle, Uri Geller, Ingo Swan, Ed Dames, Pat Price
- Discussion on good process and boundaries (Be with apologies to Ram Dass
- Assignment #1 - I will hide a dog toy and you will find it. I call it Find My Squeaker!
Astral Projection
This 2 hour class will cover:
- the concept of consciousness separate from your body in both western and non-western culture
- the willful disassociation of the mind and the body
- the unintentional disassociation of the mind and body
- what is possible when you are aware of that disassociation
- the similarities / differences of out of body experiences (astral projection, remote viewing, and near death experience)
- suggested reading for those who wish to participate in the next class where we will practice projection. If you can find my target wallet, you can have what's in it.
Other Classes
- Defining the Near Death Experience (NDE) vs the Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE)
- Advanced Astral Projection (flexing time and location)
- Advanced to Remote Viewing (flexing time and location)
- Introduction to Usui Reiki and Increasing Patient Reported Outcomes
- Name Calling: Neurobiology and Intention
- Psychic Self-Defense and Practical Applications
- Reintegration Issues caused by NDE / STE and Open Forum
- Reintegration Issues of the NDE Survivor and the Grayson Scale
- Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology
- Advanced Transpersonal Psychology
Classes In Development
- What Is A Sigma Male and Why It Is Time To Rise
- Introduction to Transdimensional Beings with Subjective Interactions
- Activation / Cultivation of Your Consciousness - Look Who's Talking
- Customizable Lessons like "Remote Viewing a Haunted Location and Expelling Unwanted Energies", "Remote Viewing Past Lives", "Why Are We Here?"
Polymath: (Greek: πολυμαθής, polymathēs,) "having learned much"; (Latin: homo universalis,) "universal person", is an individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.